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Praful J
5 months ago
પરમ પૂજ્ય મહાત્મા યોગેશ્વરજી અને મા સર્વેશ્વરીજી દ્વારા પ્રેરિત આ વેબસાઇટ આપણો આધ્યાત્મિક વારસો એક જ સ્થાને સંગ્રહીત કરી સર્વ સુલભ કરવા બદલ આપનો જેટલો આભાર માનું તેટલો ઓછો છે. ખૂબ ખૂબ ઋણ સ્વીકાર સાથે સર્વ પુણ્યાત્માઓના ચરણોમાં કોટી કોટી વંદન.
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Kirit Chauhan
6 months ago
Dear Shri -
The website good and efforts are also very appreciable.
At the same time i observed that webpage at SACRED TEXT>>YOGA>>MUDRA, The information at MUDRA is complete or say full text not available.
Kirit Chauhan -91-95584-59991
We have not put any material yet in Mudra section. Thank you for your interest.
- admin
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2 years ago
How can I get audio of gujarati ramayana please help
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2 years ago
How can I reach the Gujarati audio of Ramayana as lyrics are there but I don't know how to sing. I want to do Parayan in this month so please guide.
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Jagdish Raval Yogi
3 years ago
Really this best website for Adhyatmik and spiritual development platform for every human being. and I found digital Adhyatm Sad Guru by this website. Its not a work for human but Its a world's greatest for spirituality.
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Mahesh Gupta
3 years ago
Bow to Swami ji and Maa ji.
Kindly inform me about all additions.
Whatsapp number 9425317576
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Mahesh Gupta
3 years ago
Bow to Swami ji and Maa. Indebted for down loading audio of Ramcharitmanas.
Pray that kindly let me all updates, notification, lectures, uploads through email and or whatsapp 9425317576

Mahesh Gupta, 87, Anand Nagar, Chitavad Road, Indore-452001
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Bhargav Tripathi
3 years ago
I am really thankful to you, as for the people staying abroad seeking Gujarati literature is very hard. This site a gem and really really helpful. I am trying very hard to get Mandukya upanishad and Gita sar. I got the Mandukya upanishad on this site but can you please help me to get the Gita sar.
I would be really thankful if you help me to get Gita sar of just Adhyay or chapters 12 and 15 just picture of this chapters will also be fine as I don't want you to bother to sent me with sar of every Adhyay.
I need just 12 and 15 Adhyay gita sar. Please help me as I am not getting it anywhere.
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Ashok Joshi
3 years ago
Need to contact you but your both the contact details unable to contact you. Please give me another contact details or mail ID. My cell No. 9879042481
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Nachiketa Dave
4 years ago
Pranams and homage to the great soul Pujya Yogeshvarji. We are grateful to such saintly souls for showing the spiritual path by being a living example.
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Manhar Thakkar
5 years ago
I am looking for Mahabharat in Gujarati in Ragragini.
Vaishampayan eniper bolya sun Janmejaya.
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Jyoti Trivedi
5 years ago
Unbelievable site !!! Full of peaceful bhajans and literatures which are not easily available. Koti koti pranam for doing excellent job, god bless you!!!
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Lajja Vyas
6 years ago
પૂજ્ય મા ને કોટી કોટી વંદન. માના આશીષની અભિલાષા સાથે આ સંદેશ લખું છું. જય કૃપાળુ મા.
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Ritesh S
7 years ago
Thanks for the putting the spiritual content online. It is very very helpful.
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Deven Shah
7 years ago
I am fond of the collection on this site. My favorite still remains Gujarati version of Shivmahima stotra sung by Desai. There used to be PDF version of their lyrics. I can't seem to locate it. Let me know if it is still available. I feel privileged to have an access to such resources. Growing up, Amdavad akash vani was the only source of devotional songs in the morning. We didn't have any lyrics, jotting down while listening was the only source. I and my sister will divide the work, I will take even lines and she will tackle the odd numbered lines to jot. Now, I can copy and paste and hit the print button !! Though I enjoy the progress, still think simple life was more fulfilling.
Devenbhai, You can find the PDF of the Shivmahimna Stotra in our download section under Yogeshwarji's books. - admin
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Aatish Pandya
7 years ago
Hari Om. In the sacred text section > Upanishad > Taitirri Upanishad > shikshawali not available. Can you provide Shiksha wali, Bruguwali and Bramhanad wali mantras of Taitiri Upanishad. Only mantras. Hari Om.
Thank you for your interest. Yogeshwarji's book does not elaborate on Taittiriya upanishad in Gujarati and that's the reason we have not included the same in the sacred text section. However, you can find Taittiriya Upanishad text in Sanskrit in our download section. Follow this link:
- admin
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7 years ago
Namaste ! Thank you for this website.
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Praveen Kumar Sharma
7 years ago
सादर प्रणाम,
आपने भारतभूमि के प्राचीन ग्रंथो को मूल संस्कृत भाषा में उपलब्ध कराकर जो देवीय सेवा का कार्य किया हैं, उसे शब्दों में व्यक्त नहीं किया जा सकता. ईस्वर ने आपको जो असीम आशीर्वाद दिया है उसे यो ही सेवा में लगाकर समाज को मार्गदर्शित करते रहे. हो सके तो ग्रंथो का हिंदी अनुवाद भी उपलब्ध कराये ताकि अध्ययन में आसानी हो सके.
बहुत बहुत साधुवाद
-प्रवीण कुमार शर्मा
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Sunita Sharma
7 years ago
Thank you so much for this work and enlightening the mankind with so much precious jewels of religion. Pranam.
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Dr. R. B.Shah
7 years ago
Helped me lot in studying Ishavasyam Upanishad. I Would love to stay at ashram for few days. Pl let me know what are the formalities. I want to by few books , where can I buy. Great Web Site for any spiritual seeker.
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J C Bachmann
8 years ago
On your website, I found the text below: Supernatural powers

Q: What are the "Ashta siddhis", can you please elaborate?
A: The Asta siddhis that are described in our ancient yoga books are: Anima, Mahima, Laghima, Garima, Prapti, Prakamya, Ishitva and Vashitva. 'Anima' gives the one an ability to make their bodies incredibly small, even smaller than an atom. 'Mahima' gives the one the ability to make the physical body as large as one wishes. My question is: What are these ancient books where it will be possible for me to see exactly written word for word that 'Mahima' gives the one an ability to make the body PHYSICAL as large as one wishes? (I have never found any translations of Mahima, in which the word 'physics' appears on it, except on your website, would you be kind enough to help me find one of these old books. Thank you very much.
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8 years ago
Loving Pranams. I know one Leela Bruner from USA.She visited India Recently. She used to tell kripalu Maharaj. Is it this site ? So much material is well arranged here. I am actively associated with Veda, Music, Bhajans, Yoga, seva to the needy and depressed. I am greatly elevated.
- sai premi
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Rakesh Kumar Ranjan
8 years ago
आज इस साईट के बारे में जाना । उजालों की ओर पढा । पढकर मन को शांति मिला, बहुत अच्छा लगा । मार्गदर्शन की आवश्यकता है । हो सके तो रास्ता दिखायें ।
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Prabhakar Badoni
8 years ago
Jai Kripalu Maa,
We seek blessings from Maa on her Birthday today, on behalf of my Father (Shri Munindra Dutt Badoni) and all of us.
Prabhakar Badoni
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Harish Dave
8 years ago
શુભ દીપાવલિ!
વર્ષારંભે આપની સર્જનાત્મકતાને નવી દિશા મળો!
નવલ વર્ષ આપના જીવનને નૂતન અર્થ બક્ષે તેવી મંગલ કામના!
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